While brown, green and white are very common, beaches come in all sizes, shapes and textures on Grand Manan and the term “beach” is liberally for both sand and cobble. The height of the tide leads a wide expanse of shoreline exposed twice daily. All beaches are very scenic and wildlife is often present – seals, seabirds, sometimes even whales or porpoises just offhsore. Treasures such as beach glass, pottery shards, drift wood, shells and sand dollars can be found on some beaches or shorelines. While brown, green and white beach glass are very common, cobalt blue, lavendar, turquoise and red can also be found but in much smaller quantities. Many of the more common beaches are described in our additional resources but you may find your own special beach as you explore the islands. Diverse tide pools with many species of seaweeds, and intertidal areas can also be explored at low tide. Don’t expect to find tender sealife high up on the beach – the long exposure because of height of the tides is too much for them to tolerate but along the low water mark or at the floating docks at the wharves, you can glimpse sea stars, sea urchins, sea slugs, etc. More tolerant sealife hide under rocks and seaweeds when the tide is out.